Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Pokefest Bangor

     My body has not been cooperating with me lately, which has put a damper on my summer plans.  I won't be going to Portland.  I doubt I would have anyway, even if I had been feeling well, but the whole getting sick thing threw a major wrench into my plans.
     On Saturday, July 23rd I had been hoping to go to the Orrington town wide yard sale and then head to a Pokemon hunting event in Bucksport.  The whole time I'd be only 40 or so minutes away from home, a significant distance, no doubt, but nothing more intensive than a Winterport trip and being away from home for an extended period of time would be good practice for a trip to Portland the following weekend.  Well, sometime during the week leading up to the 23rd, I realized I had another infection.
     The infection was still in full swing as the weekend arrived.  Brian and I managed a short trip into Bangor on Saturday to visit his family and I pushed my grand plan off until Sunday.  Sunday comes and I'm still not well, so I decided that skipping out on the trip would be the best course of action.  I also decide that I will not be going to Portland the following weekend, but there's a Pokemon festival happening in Bangor on Sunday that might be fun to attend.
     I haven't been getting the rest that I need and as Monday rolls around I realize that I'm only getting worse, so for the next few days I stick mostly to home, reading, listening to books on tape, watching Netflix, and the like.  By the time the weekend arrives, I'm doing a lot better, although I'm not 100%.
     Sunday arrives and I have to choose whether or not to go to Pokefest.  I'm nervous and I try couching my anxiety in concern about setbacks in my progress if I go.  However, with the tracking system diasabled and Pokevision no longer operational, this sort of event is the only thing that'll make Pokemon hunting feasible for those of us not living in big cities.  I decide to give it a go, assuring myself that I can go home anytime I'd like.  I'm glad I did.
     Brian and I get to Pokefest and the first monster I spot is a Jynx.  I tell Brian that even if we don't see another cool monster, the trip is now officially worth it because I got a Jynx.  Well, the lures bring out two more Jynxes, plus tons of water Pokemon and a handful of Gastlys.  Plus I run into my little buddy Meowth.  Brian and I end up spending two hours there, chasing one Pokemon after another.  I would have stayed longer, but  figure spending two hours running around out in the sun with no fluid intake is probably enough wear and tear for my body for one day.  I had a blast, and I'm so glad I went.

Hanging out with Meowth at Pokefest.

Me with one of the Jynxes I found at Pokefest.

     On the way home, I see a Meowth pop up on my radar.  With the tracking system broken as it is, I'm sure there's no way I'll find it, but then I see something pop up on the side of the road.  The Meowth!  I manage to click on it and take a few AR pictures of it before I catch it.  Yes, it was a grand day for catching Pokemon.

The Meowth I found while driving.

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